Thursday, April 7, 2016

Benefits of Alkaline Water

Good day friends,  people have been asking me if drinking alkaline based water from the Alkaline  cup is good for a pregnant woman, here are some useful facts.


We already know what alkaline water is and what it does but here are some health benefits that you can
relate to while you are pregnant. Followings are those points that can absolutely resonate to your pregnant self and explain where you can see the difference made by normal and alkaline water in your body.

Alkaline water helps your body balance its natural pH level during pregnancy. As the pregnant body tends to be more acidic than non-pregnant body (because all the alkaline nature in your body goes to your baby to keep it safe and healthy your body now tends to be more acidic which leads to morning sickness and other pregnancy related issues. Including jaundice in your developing baby), it is benefitting to drink alkaline water and help your body.

1. It helps to reduce morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy. During the first few months of pregnancy, the body gives alkaline minerals to placenta in order to neutralize the acidic discharges from fetus. It is known that acidity alleviates morning sickness in pregnant women. So, while drinking alkaline water, we can immediately find the difference, as the morning sickness reduces.

2. It is found that drinking alkaline water also helps in smoother deliveries.

3. With the use of alkaline water, the likelihood of jaundice in baby as well as the mother can be reduced.

4. Alkaline water also helps increase lactation in mothers.

5. Alkaline water has natural calcium in it which helps the pregnant women have healthy bones and also reduces calcium loss while also helping the baby have healthy teeth and bones.

6. Drinking alkaline water helps the new moms recover fast after delivery.It helps to rehydrate your body as does the normal water.

7. Hydrated body can fight against headaches, nausea, vomiting and many other pregnancy effects.

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